ABPI Code case update membership

The PMCPA continuously publish cases of alleged ABPI Code of Practice breaches.  There have been around 180 cases in the last 12 months and these rulings set immediate case precedence for company activities and materials.  So it is critical that you stay up to date.

Our ABPI Code case updates service is more than just case summaries.  The live webinars include Code cases, key learning points, news and the opportunity to discuss Code issues and hot topics.  Plus a handout if you’d like.

About our ABPI Code case updates

  • Concise, no-waffle, Code case summaries.  We unpick the key learning points from each case so you know the practical implications and any steps you might need to take.  For example, do you need to change a material or policy based on a ruling.
  • Monthly sessions help you stay on top of the cases as they are published.
  • A drip feed of Code training throughout the year.
  • And of course we do all the heavy reading (up to 60 pages per case!), saving you time to focus on other things.

How do these sessions work?

Join our live 60 minute webinars, usually on the first Tuesday of the month.

  • 45 minutes – clear, concise summaries of all the latest Code cases and Code news.
  • 10 – 15 minutes live Code clinic – ask any question you’d like.
  • PDF slide handout is available – make notes as we go or refer to it at a later date.
  • Recordings for 4 months if you can’t make the live session.
  • Submit your latest Code questions for discussion in the live session to gauge how other companies might tackle an issue.
  • The sessions are run by Jayne, an expert Code trainer, who brings enthusiasm and 25+ years of Code expertise. We’ve been running case updates since 2014!


If you’d like a quote, please get in touch.

Try a session

You are very welcome to try a webinar before you subscribe – please contact us.  We’ll then send you a recording of a recent session.

Signing up

By joining you agree to the membership terms and conditions.

Booking Details

Available spaces remaining: 48

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Bookings are closed for this event.